Permanent Makeup/Microblading is not suitable for the following candidates:

 If you have had permanent makeup done in the past, a consultation is required first.

  • Using Accutane in the past year
  • Recently tanned or will be tanning within 4 weeks
  • Have heart conditions or using heart medications
  • On blood thinners or any other medication that thins the blood
  • Have diabetes (will require a physician’s note of release)
  • Have skin disease or irritations
  • Have had Botox in the last 2 weeks
  • Allergic to lidocaine, prilocaine,benzocaine, tatracaine or epinephrine
  • Anyone who has any serious medical conditions may require a physician’s note of
  • Pregnant or nursing
  • If you are under the age of 18

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who we deem not suitable for permanent makeup or for any other reason deemed. Our technician will make the decision to perform services on an individual based on their own discretion.


  • Do not tan two weeks prior to treatment or have or sunburned face
  • Do not have any type of facial 2 weeks prior to treatment
  • Do not work out the day of the procedure
  • Do not have Botox 2 weeks prior to treatment procedure
  • Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E one week prior to treatment (natural blood thinners)
  • Do not wax or tint your eyebrows 3 days before the procedure, you may thread or tweeze 3 days before
  • Do not drink alcohol 24-48 hours before your tattoo (alcohol functions as a vasodialator, making the patient more prone to bleeding during the treatment. Bleeding expels the ink and makes it harder for the skin to hold the pigment)
  • Do not consume coffee before your procedure
  • Do not use retinols or retin A one week before procedure
  • Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen 3 days before procedure (this thins the blood)

Please note- No medication should ever be discontinued without first consulting your physician


It is normal for the treated area to be slightly tender, swollen, itchy and appear
darker in color for a few days as the skin develops a thin flakey scab. Your skin will begin flaking 4-10 days after your procedure. When the flakey skin falls off, your permanent makeup may appear lighter in color than you expect. Please be patient, it will darken to your customized color as your skin finishes the healing process which takes a full 4 weeks.
Please be aware that the healing process will vary from person to person depending on skin texture and the individuals overall health.


It is essential that you follow these instructions after your permanent makeup session. Proper care following your procedure is necessary to achieve the best results. Keep in mind that in many cases, some unevenness of color and shape is to be expected. This is the purpose of the touchup visit. *Everyone needs at least one and sometimes two touchups.


You must blot your eyebrows with a clean tissue once every hour
after the permanent makeup procedure, followed by the post-care ointment provided. Apply the aftercare ointment with a cotton swab and use no aggressive movement and /or manipulation of the skin. Before bedtime, cleanse area with a gentle cleanser or antibacterial soup and apply a thin layer of ointment. Make sure your hands are completely clean before caring for your procedure.


Wash area every morning and evening followed by a thin layer of ointment. You must apply the aftercare ointment on the area several times a day with a minimum of at least two times daily. Apply the aftercare ointment with a cotton swab and use no aggressive movement and /or manipulation of the skin. Make sure your hands are completely clean before caring for your procedure.


  • Increased Sweating
  • Practicing in Sports
  • Swimming, Bathing, Hot Sauna or Jacuzzi
  • Contact with Animals
  • Any Laser or Chemical Treatments or Peelings, and /or Any Creams Containing Retin-A
    or Glycolic Acid on the Face or Neck.
  • Picking, Peeling, or scratching of the area in order to Avoid Scarring of the area or Removal of the Pigment.
  • Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris.
  • Smoking or Drinking Alcohol (in excess), as it may lead to slow healing of wounds.

Please Contact your Technician and Seek Medical Attention Immediately if Signs and Symptoms of Infections Occur, Including, but not limited to Redness, Swelling, Tenderness of the Procedure site, Red Streaks Going from the Procedure site towards the Heart, elevated body temperature, or Purulent Drainage from the Procedure site.


Q:  Does it hurt? 

A:   We use a topical anesthetic and methods of application that minimize the pain.  Most people can’t believe that it is as painless as it is once the procedure begins.  We continue to use the topical anesthetic as we work. 

Q.   How long does it take to heal? 

A.   Following the procedure the color will be the most vibrant for the first three days.  After that the color will begin to heal and top layer of skin will peal or flake off leaving a color looks which looks much softer.   

Q:  Should I wear my make-up in when I come for my appointment? 

A:   Yes, you may do this if you wish us to see how you like to wear your make-up.  It is especially helpful if you are having your eyebrows done.  If you are not sure how you would like your brows to look we will work with you to decide upon a design before we apply your permanent cosmetics.  Our goal is that you are pleased with both the design and with the end result.  We will do all we can to help insure that end.

Q:   Can it be done in one visit?   

A:   Usually permanent cosmetic clients require two visits.  You will need to wait about 6 to 12 weeks before your second follow-up appointment.  

Q:   Why do I need a follow up or a touch up appointment? 

A:   First, it allows us to assess the color as it has set into the skin.  Second, we assess the shape – making sure it’s the desired shape.  Thirdly, there may be small areas where some of the color could be lost in the healing process.  So this second visit allows us to fill them in as needed.   

Q:  Am I going to look bruised or swollen? 

A.   With the methods that we use our clients experience minimal swelling or redness etc.  It is not uncommon for our clients to go straight back to work or out to dinner with friends directly after the procedure has been completed.   

Q:   How long before I will be able to come in for a follow-up appointment?

A:   Usually you will need to wait between 6 to 12 weeks for your follow-up appointment.  This allows the area to completely heal and for the color to settle in allowing us to accurately evaluate the result of the primary application.

Q:   Do I need to take off of work for healing?

A:   No, generally you can go back to work the next day.  We are honest to say that the color will be most vibrant and there may be some redness the first two or three days, which make some more who would be self-conscious choose to have the procedure done on the week-end giving themselves time to heal.

Q:   What if I spend a lot of time in the sun?    

A:   The sun will fade the procedures over time.  Therefore we do recommend that a sunscreen be applied over the eyebrows and over the lip color when planning extended sun exposure (such as a day long trip to the beach).  As for the eyeliner, most people wear sun glasses while out in the sun which proves to be a sufficient protector.

Q:  Directly after the procedure is completed it is vibrant and our clients often ask: ” Are you sure this color will fade?”

A:   Absolutely 100% yes.  It will fade from 20% to 50% depending on the persons skin tone.

Q:  What is the risk of catching a disease from the equipment?  

A:   We never ever re-use anything on anybody.  Everything we use is disposable and disposed of immediately after the procedure is complete.  New sterile equipment is used on every client. 

Q:   What if I’m allergic?

A:   We have never had anyone allergic to anything that we use in the procedure except for the ointment that we give the person to use to apply after the procedure. 

We do have our clients fill out a questionnaire before any procedure is done to pre-determine as best we can if there is any chance an adverse reaction.  For instance if a person is allergic to latex we do not use latex gloves – we’ll use vinyl gloves.

If you have a real allergy concern we are happy to do a patch test behind your ear to test the pigment on you.  You would then know for sure within 24 hours.

Q:   What if I have had old work done – can it be corrected?

A:  A consultation is required in order to assess if old work can be corrected.

Q:   What if I do not know what color or shape to choose?

A:   We are color and design experts and will be happy to choose a color with you that will complement your skin tone and features.  Skin tone can make a big difference in the right colors to use.  We know all about skin tones and will help you find the color that is just right for you.  Brows are pre-drawn and shaped according to your bone structure, brow symmetry as well as your preferred brow style. Once you approve the color and shape the procedure will begin.